Worth It (Romans 8:18-23)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Following Christ is worth it—because the glory of being a child of God is worth any cost, not just for future glory in heaven, but for the glory of God that we can experience in this lifetime.

First Love (Revelation 2:1-5)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Sometimes we focus on things that seem right and godly but perhaps along the way we forget what is most important—our first love. If we want to go deep with Christ, we need to learn how to maintain that first love.

Deep: Make Room (Luke 8:8-15)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What often prevents the spirit of God from breaking new ground in our lives is all the gunk, distractions, and baggage that has built up within us. To go deeper with Christ we need to learn how to give him everything and everyone.

The Deep: Where Are You? (Genesis 3:1-10)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Sometimes we don’t get very far in the spiritual life because we are pretty much hiding from God. The light might hurt our eyes when we’ve been crouching in the darkness, but it can also bring us the life we’ve always really wanted.

Beautiful Feet (Romans 10:14-17)

Message from Pastor David Beck. We are called to go and share the Gospel to those around us, but it seems like we limit this to missions trips or just particular times of the year. Our hope is to grow in confidence and conviction to share the gospel in whatever opportunities that God gives us.

Memento Mori (Genesis 3:17-19)

Message from Pastor David Beck. We will all experience death in our lives, for others and ourselves. While that is natural–and can be scary–remembering and acknowledging death can help us to have a greater view and purpose for our lives now to seek and help build the Kingdom of God.

Life.: Devoted (Acts 2:42)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The early community of Christ learned to devote themselves to certain practices on a consistent, sometimes daily basis. Is there something in this that we would be wise to remember in a day and age when it is so easy to forget our fundamental connection to God and each other?

Life.: Belong

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In this increasingly isolated and fractured world, many of us long to belong, but in a world that only knows how to “be short”, many of us do not understand what it means to “be long” to commit for the long run to Christ and his community.

Life.: Desires (Psalm 21)

Message from Connie Hong. There are seven common desires God has given all those He created to draw us into relationship with Himself. Learning to recognize God’s desire and allowing God to meet them, will allow us to enjoy a deeper and richer relationship with God and with others.

Life.: Who’s Invited? (Matthew 5:1-12)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Who is Jesus’s invitation to life for? It is for you, undeniably. We often suspect (or have been told) that Jesus is not for us, that we are not good enough or qualified in some way, but make no mistake, Jesus welcomes you–your are invited, and you ARE BLESSED.

Power (Psalm 19:1-6)

Message from Connie Hong. We serve an almighty and powerful God. But sometimes we forget what makes God so great and powerful. May this reminder be a resting stop for us to bask in His greatness.

Life in the Spirit: Always (Mark 14:3-9)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Will we always have inequality and injustice in this world? How do we maintain zeal to act when it seems injustice will always be a reality? The answer: we have a reality that is more enduring and real than that of injustice–the kingdom of God. 

Spirit Break In (Acts 2:42-47)

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The Holy Spirit breaks out and unleashes the disciples into the world. But perhaps the most important move of the Holy Spirit is when it breaks IN, into our private lives, homes, and revolutionizes how we do life together. 

Resurrecting Faith

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus’ resurrection has major implications for those of us who fail at faith. As Jesus has risen, he desires for our faith to be restored as he desires to restore all broken relationships. 

Metanoia: Better Than Anxiety

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Anxiety is an epidemic in America today. We can’t stop worrying, and it doesn’t seem like just willpower can solve our problem. Jesus gives us a greater reality to fix our minds upon, that can truly give us peace and joy in anxious times.

Metanoia: Behold

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Many people are living for things that don’t last. But even more so, these things become our TREASURE. Jesus is urging us to make our treasure something that truly lasts, and we will find out how to do that! 

Metanoia: The Kingdom Prayer, Part 1

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We will begin exploring the famous Lord’s prayer and how this can be applicable for us today, not as a form prayer, but a prayer that aligns us with God’s kingdom–a kingdom where we have a holy heavenly father who fully provides for us. 

Discipleship and Money

Message from Pastor Tom Humphreys.But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 

Metanoia: In Secret

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. “All the world’s a stage.” It’s hard sometimes to not feel like we’re always performing. So who are we really when no one is looking? Jesus calls us to find God–and ourselves–in secret, where only God is watching. 

Metanoia: Roots, Pt 1

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus wants to not just deal with the surface of our issues but wants to get at the root. When it comes to anger/hatred/violence, Jesus is concerned with the roots of bitterness and contempt so that we can become the people who naturally would not hate or harm others. 

Metanoia: Fulfilled

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What do we do with the law? Jesus came not to abolish it, but to fulfill it–in us. We are supposed to be more righteous than the Pharisees as we move from legalism to having the heart of the law genuinely within us. 

Metanoia: Blessed

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus’ declaration of who is truly blessed in this life is frankly shocking. What do we do with these non-desirable affirmations, such as being “poor in spirit?” It is here that we can find the kingdom, and the truly blessed life. 

Metanoia: Letting Go

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The most important step in our spiritual journey is letting go. Our world is all about what we gain and what we control, not what we lose and let go of, but Jesus teaches us that real life, love, joy, and peace comes from releasing and surrendering. 

Metanoia: Who Am I?

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Satan comes to challenge our identity as God’s beloved child; we are tempted every day to build our identity on something else. The roof of who we really are cannot come from what we do or the affirmations of this world–it comes from one thing alone. 

Metanoia: The Born Identity

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Our truest identity is being a child of God. This utterly simple truth is so hard for us to believe as we strive to be great in this world. We cannot achieve or earn this identity, it can only be received as a gift. 

Metanoia: Unquenchable Fire

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The kingdom of the heavens is not about changing a few things, it’s about immersion into a new life. This means an end to the games we play in the old world. Jesus is coming with the fire of the spirit to burn it all up. 

Mentanoia – Kingdom (Has) Come

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus has come to literally change the world (and all worlds). Nothing will ever be the same, and that’s a good thing. But truth is–There are some changes we really don’t want. Are you ready for the revolution of the kingdom of the heavens? 

Living Faith: Prayer of Faith

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are to pray in all circumstances as it expresses our dependence and trust i God. Prayer is a powerful tool for reconciliation and healing, but we sometimes forget that and we forget to use this powerful tool we’ve been given. 

Living Faith: Curing the Double-Mind

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are double-minded people. We know what we should do in God, but then there’s what we really want to do. We live in a world that encourages us to do what we want, what feels good in the moment. God offers us grace to learn true freedom in submission. 

Living Faith: Whole Love

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Here are “holes” in our love, or maybe it’s more that it’s in parts. This is what partiality is — inconsistent love. God wants to teach us how to bring all the parts together to make us whole! 

Living Faith: Right

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are meant to be “right” (righteous) as God is. But are we more concerned with feeling that we are ALREADY right rather than BECOMING right people? God wants us to make room for his word to make us RIGHTeous in how we actually treat others around us. 

Living Faith: Steadfast

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Learning to be steadfast in the trials of life makes us complete, lacking nothing! It is a kind of super power to know the absolute goodness of God no matter your circumstance. (Sorry for the mic not working from 33:25 to the end) 

The Story of Jesus: Weak

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We don’t like to acknowledge the truth that we are weaker than we think or present. We are not able to live for God as we say we will. Our weakness is true strength if we can learn the power of acceptance and surrender. 

The Story of Jesus: Grace

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Amidst betrayal, Jesus shares a meal with his betrayers and those who would very soon fail him. More than just sharing bread and wine, he gave himself for us. Gratitude and giving are paired together perfectly in a meal for all of us to remember and live out every day. 

The Story of Jesus: A Beautiful Thing

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What do we have to give to God? The woman in this passage gives a costly offering that others criticize. Jesus calls it a beautiful thing, this gift done out of love. We can also offer God what we can, our own beautiful things. 

The Story of Jesus: The Greatest

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The two commands that trump everything else are about the same thing: love. The other things we make Christianity about are usually in sharp contrast to love. Love is the greatest. God wants us to receive his gift of love, to love ourselves. God, and everyone within our reach. 

The Story of Jesus: A Higher Power

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Kingdom authority is hard for us to accept. We don’t like being wrong. We don’t like being told what to do. To accept a higher power is to humbly accept our own limitations of what we can know. This is the key to knowing God. 

The Story of Jesus: Desire

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Desire might seem like a dirty word for a lot of Christians, but Jesus does not silence our desires. He brings them out of us, and answers our deepest longings but not always in the ways we expect. 

The Story of Jesus: Treasure

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus teaching on wealth and possessions helps reveal to us where our true treasure lies… and what true treasure really is. If we can let go the way Jesus suggests, we can have it all, by not possessing at all. 

Faithful Feet

Message from Pastor Jeff Abiera. You were called to carry out the mission of spreading the joy found in Christ. Do it with excellence, passion, and focus. Every decision you make has the potential to make an eternal impact. Serve God by serving others. 

The Story of Jesus: Rise Above

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We all face storms and choppy waters in life. How do we rise above it? Sometimes, all of our swimming, all of our efforts are not enough. Jesus can rise above it. He did and he does still. And he wants to help us to do the same. 

The Story of Jesus: Unworthy Kings

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus is the rightful king, but we will take a look at some wrongful kings. They are not just the biblical kind who run around giving people orders. Unworthy kings exist in our lives — and we give them our kingdoms unwittingly. 

The Story of Jesus: Good Things

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. God desires to build his kingdom within us. This is a big grand project and it takes time. We must learn to tend that seed and wait upon it—in a time when we scarcely know how to wait any more. It is well worth the wait! 

The Story of Jesus: Follow

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Discipleship was a simple thing in Jesus time–it meant to follow Jesus around and learn to be like him. Is that still possible today? Modern Christians often treat discipleship as optional but we miss out on its amazing transformational power. 

The Story of Christ – Prepare

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Who is Jesus? What is this good news about? The story of Jesus the Christ begins with a preparing of the people to receive this man with this good news. Are we ready to receive him? Are we ready for his Spirit to truly lead us? 

The Words of Life

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The words of Jesus are the words of eternal life, but they can also be hard to hear. Are we able to hear life-giving words even when they are what we don’t want to hear at the moment?